משחקים שבלב
לקוחות כותבים

המלצה על המשחק מרגישון – טיפול בילדי הצונאמי בתאילנד

המלצה על המשחק מרגישון – טיפול בילדי הצונאמי בתאילנד

Art Therapy at temple relief center description: Bangkok floods

Recently we have done a more structure session with children and a few adults in a relief center at a temple with emotions/face cards. They were to think of their feeling when the flood hit and think and choose another card for the future or today. They then had art materials to draw their own version of the two to personalize them around each emotion.
Then as a group each would describe one face/emotion and then the person next to them would act it out (like charades- pantomime) to share and externalize each ones feelings. It also can create a fun event for the others to see how each one tries to act out another's experience and feelings. So in a sense, this type of group work is both art and "drama" therapy.

By these activities of expression and sharing of their experiences the impact of negative emotions can be reduced through externalization and acknowledgment by others. The group activities brings the people closer together as we as therapists are just visitors and cannot reduce the physical water ourselves, but we can reduce their intensity of feelings via acknowledgment of their experiences as being true for them, sharing, and externalization via artistic expression and listening.

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  • מרגישון קלפי רגשות מחשבות ותחושות

    מרגישון קלפי רגשות מחשבות ותחושות

    בחר אפשרויות למוצר זה יש מספר סוגים. ניתן לבחור את האפשרויות בעמוד המוצר

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